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What Does Hand-Roasted Coffee Mean?

This post was taken from the March issue of The 2nd Cappuccino, which explored hand-roasted coffee, coffee sneakers, and coffee-growing regions.

A lot of companies boast that their coffee is hand roasted. What do you think that really means?

We know that handmade would mean that it is actually made by a person rather than, for example, a machine in a factory. Handmade can mean the product has superior quality and would be a given with any high-quality food item.

But how could roasted coffee qualify as “hand roasted”? While I could hand roast my coffee at home on the stove top, in the oven, or in a little popcorn popper, commercial coffee is roasted in machines. Not directly by hand. So, not really “hand roasted.”

Coffee buzzwords

When a coffee company you’re thinking of buying from boasts that their coffee is hand roasted, you might want to ask them how much participation a human being actually had.

Are they referring to the size of the roaster? The size of the batch they roasted? The cupping controls they used to determine the ideal roast?

The world of coffee is full of buzzwords that at times, mean little. It’s up to consumers and those of us in the coffee business to decide what we’ll believe – and show that through our purchases.

If you have a coffee business, make sure the terms you use to describe your coffee convey true meaning and significance to your customers.

Other bits of caffeinated news

On a lighter note, Sprudge let us know the shocking truth that science has just uncovered – coffee can make you feel more awake. Read the full study on Science Direct.

Coffee sneakers? Really? Actually, the concept isn’t new. And unfortunately, you can’t brew them. But read about coffee sneakers in this Daily Coffee News article.

Do coffee regions make a difference in the tastes in your cup? Find out the reality in this article on coffee growing regions in Colombia.

Thanks for joining me for this month’s thoughts on coffee and the coffee world. See you next month.

What is The 2nd Cappuccino?

Every 2nd day of the month, I share ideas from my websites, Flavors of Bogota or Latin American Coffee Academy, as well as news and quotes from the coffee world.

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